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Who The Heck Is Corban Welter?

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“Any old place I hang my hat is home sweet home to me.”  This phrase is drifting line that shows up in many of the old American folk and blues songs Corban Welter holds closest to his heart -a traveler’s mantra of sorts.


As a singer-songwriter and mandolinist, Corban’s music is informed by traveling he did from a very young age. Washington State, California, Hawaii, Japan, Bahrain, Belgium, The Netherlands – and that’s just a start. He still hasn’t lived in one place for more than two consecutive years.

Corban is drawn to folk music for its rawness, its realness, and its storytelling. Equally inspired by centuries-old folk ballads and more contemporary songwriters like Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Gordon Lightfoot, and Tom Waits, Corban is on a mission to write and perform the music that he thinks needs to exist, but can’t find in the world.

After graduating Berklee College of Music and in the wake of COVID-19, Corban moved to Leavenworth, WA. Keep an eye out for live performances dates around the Pacific Northwest in the near future.

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